Presentation: "Real world GWT. Why Lombardi built Blueprint with GWT and why you should use it for your next RIA"

Time: Wednesday 17:15 - 18:15

Location: Cornell


What is the Google Web Toolkit, what can you do with it, and why should you use it? Using our real world experience building Lombardi Blueprint as a case study this presentation will answer these questions.

We'll also touch on GWT's place in the development life cycle, including interaction with designers, the efficiency of the generated code, and present some useful design patterns and tips for making the best use of GWT.

Lombardi has been using GWT for nearly two years now. We've built a complete SaaS product, Lombardi Blueprint, and are using GWT extensively in our enterprise product, Teamworks, to provide both standalone Web UIs and in combination with Eclipse.

It's our belief that GWT should be your default choice for RIA development, this presentation will show you why.

Alex Moffat, Lombardi Engineering Manager

 Alex  Moffat

Alex Moffat is the Engineering Manager for Lombardi Software's Blueprint product and has presented about real world GWT experiences at JavaOne and Google IO.

He's worked for both customers of enterprise software and makers of enterprise software starting back in the days of IBM 3270s, JCL and MVS. Along the way he's learnt that customers and vendors can have very different perceptions of the same product.

He first started programming in Java back in the Beta 1.0 days but only started to get paid for it when he joined Lombardi in 1999. Since then he's worked on all sorts of different pieces of software but is really enjoying the challenges of Web 2.0 on IE 6.0. Without GWT it wouldn't be a quarter as much fun.